Follow appropriate online “netiquette” expectations, outlined in the Digital Citizenship Document for Springs Studio
Stay informed by checking your Edgenuity, Aleks, Schoology and Oddysey account
Check your D49 email several times a day.
Establish your learning routine and prepare a space where you can work effectively and successfully. This should include having a quiet space in your home where you can participate in Zoom sessions
Prepare a daily schedule, keeping in mind that all teachers will be online and readily accessible from 8:00 until 3:00 each day, at a minimum. You should average approximately 4 hours per day of school.
Be an active learner, proactively communicating with teachers if you need additional support
Whenever possible, create balance in your day so that you’re not sitting and/or online for hours at a time. Get outside and take a walk and get some fresh air.
If you’re going to participate in a Zoom video session, please dress appropriately for school and make sure there is nothing behind you that you don’t want others to see.
Do not share classroom ZOOM links!
Engage in all learning with academic honesty and integrity. Do not falsify information about yourself or impersonate others online.
Ask questions, be persistent, and work to solve problems that may occur.
Be kind to your teachers and your family members.
Self Advocate-we will be better when we support each other in all that we do.